favoriteLeisure and recreationStopover on the island of Aix with a tour of Fort Boyard - Compagnie InterîlesLa Rochelle
favoriteLeisure and recreationSea tour with commentary of Fort Boyard - Croisières Inter-îlesLa Rochelle
favoriteLeisure and recreationAfternoon sailing catamaran adventure to Fort Boyard – KapalouestLa Rochelle
favoriteLeisure and recreationTour of the bay of La Rochelle on a traditional wooden boat - KapalouestLa Rochelle
favoriteLeisure and recreationAnjou Sport Nature, La Jaille-Yvon - Parcours accrobrancheLa Jaille-Yvon
favoriteLeisure and recreationCruise on the maxi expedition sailboat Colombus - KapalouestLa Rochelle
favoriteLeisure and recreationDiscover the submarine base and the three ports - Compagnie InterîlesLa Rochelle
favoriteLeisure and recreationHeading for Fort Boyard, commented cruise - La Rochelle CroisièresLa Rochelle